Since 1975, Not By Bread Alone has competed across the Atlantic.
We want to continue its legacy.
The Crew
Our foundation is built on a group of amateur sailors from Norwalk, CT with support from industry professionals and a handful of the original crew.
The Goal
We aim to build an educational platform, supporting a variety marine trade professions that include rigging, electronics, plumbing, fiberglass, and paint, among others.
The Boat
We’ll do so by restoring the classic IOR one-tonner with a three-year plan to deliver her back to the race course, better than ever.
The Tradition
Bread is a grassroots movement. Putting it all together, our goal is to provide a curriculum of lessons, information, and access to marine subject matter experts to share the experience and bring this boat back to life.
The History
Bread originally campaigned heavily between New York and Newport, including the One-Ton World Cup in 1976, shown above.
The Process
The Gallery reflects her current status as she narrowly avoids the landfill. We’ve begun taking her apart and want to share our progress with you as we go. Join us as we do just that, because there’s more to life than Bread alone.